Market uptake of SAF | Are we aware of all opportunities of Book & Claim?

Niels Dögnitz
InnoFuels Workshops, Luftverkehr, Nachhaltigkeit
28.08.2024 14:00-16:00 Code: 652570 Or quick dial-in mobile: +496938980596,,67091865618#,,,,*652570# Germany Or phone +49 69 389 805 96 Germany Webinar ID: 670 9186 5618 Code: 652570 A


Market uptake of SAF | Are we aware of all opportunities of Book & Claim?

The ‘Platform InnoFuels’ collaborative project invites you to a workshop on 28 August 2024 on the topic of ‘Market uptake of SAF | Are we aware of all opportunities of Book & Claim?’. The event will take place online.



The path to climate-neutral aviation requires the increased use of renewable energy sources, which should lead to a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. The defossilisation of aviation will only be possible through the increased use of all sustainable aviation fuels (SAF). Book & Claim is an important approach to achieve this. However, there are different approaches and perspectives on the benefits and difficulties of implementation such a system. The aim of this workshop is to bring together this wide range of viewpoints and possibly gain new insights for all participants.




Programme point


 Annika Caspari | MEO


Keynote: Definition of Book & Claim and the different perspectives
Marlene Simeon | Future Cleantech Architects


Case study from the certification perspective
 Thomas Bock | Credit & Transfer-System- ISCC


From an aviation point of view
 Jan Pechstein | DLH


Consideration for Book&Claim as a development vector for all countries
 Torsten Schwab |  International PtX-Hub


Open discussion round on enabling boundary conditions and perspectives
 Moderation: Stefan Majer | DBFZ
 Marlene Simeon | Future Cleantech Architects
 Thomas Bock | Credit & Transfer-System- ISCC
 Jan Pechstein | DLH
 Torsten Schwab | International PtX-Hub


 Annika Caspari | MEO